Sid Meier's Civilization VI

If you're unfamiliar with the Civilization series, one of the few flaws with the games is that it has quite a large learning curve for those who are just starting out. What we noticed with Civilization VI is that it walks you through the game a little bit more that the previous games have so it is much easier to learn. That being said, the game's quality isn't dragged down by the tutorial, it actually seems to flow into the gameplay nicely in my personal opinion.
A few of the differences in Civilization VI is that you can "unstack" cities and expand more realistically, research and diplomacy options seem more refined and you can also designate districts in your civilization as well. All of this seems to add depth to the strategy of the game.
Also unlike the other games, Civilization VI seems to randomize the gameplay a little more so you really can't use the same strategy every time you play the game. It really adds to the replay-ability of the game.
All in all, we personally think that this game will be a great addition to the series and will bring the series into the next generation.
Additional Info:
You no longer have Workers, you now have "builders". The difference is with builders, you can only use them a certain number of times (3) and then they go away so you need to make new ones every now and again and you need to plan what you are going to use them for better. We personally liked this because when we played Civilivation V, we end up with what seems like 30 workers and no tiles to improve. Also, unlike workers, builders make the improvement instantly. So you don't need to wait a bunch of turns to make an improvement anymore.
Leader List:
(Civilization - Leader - Civilization Ability - Leader Ability - Unique Units - Unique Infrastructure - Agenda)
*All Definitions will be added at the end of the list
- America - Theodore Roosevelt - Founding Fathers - Roosevelt Corollary - P-51 Mustang, Rough Rider - Film Studio - Big Stick Policy
Roosevelt Corollary: Units receive +5 combat strength on the American home continent. +1 appeal to all tiles with a National Park. Gain the Rough Rider unique unit with the Rifling technology.
Big Stick Policy: Dislikes wars on his own continent, as well as wars against city-states. - Arabian - Saladin - The Last Prophet - Righteousness of the Faith - Mamluk - Madrasa - N/A
Righteousness of the Faith: The worship building of Saladin's faith is cheaper and provides additional Faith, Science and Culture.
- Aztec - Montezuma - Legend of the Five Suns - Gifts for the Tlatoani - Eagle Warrior - Tlachtli - Tlatoani
Legend of the Five Suns: Spend Builder charges to rush the construction of districts; a charge provides 20% of the original district production cost.
Gifts for the Tlatoani: Luxury resources in his territory provide an amenity to 2 extra tiles. Military units receive +1 combat strength for each different luxury resource improved in Aztec lands.
Tlatoani: Likes civilizations who have the same luxury resources as he does, and will try to collect every luxury resource available. Dislikes civilizations which have a luxury resource he has not yet collected. - Brazilian - Pedro II - Amazon - Magnanimous - Minas Geraes - Carnival District - Patron of the Arts
Amazon: Rainforest tiles provide +1 adjacency bonus for Campus, Commercial Hub, Holy Site, and Theater Square districts. Rainforest tiles provide +1 housing for Neighborhoods built adjacent to them.
Magnanimous: After recruiting or patronizing a Great Person, 20% of its Great Person point cost is refunded.
Patron of the Arts: Dislikes civilizations which compete with him for Great People, and likes those with weaker Great Person recruitment efforts.
- Chinese - Qin Shi Huang - Dynastic Cycle - The First Emperor - Crouching Tiger - Great Wall - Wall of 10,000 Li
Dynastic Cycle: Inspirations and Eurekas provide 60% of the cost of their civics and technologies instead of 50%.
The First Emperor: When building Ancient and Classical wonders you may spend builder charges to complete 15% of the original wonder cost. Builders receive an additional charge.
Wall of 10,000 Li: Likes leaders who do not compete with him for Wonders. Dislikes leaders who build more wonders than he does. - Egyptian - Cleopatra - Iteru - Mediterranean's Bride - Maryannu Chariot Archer - Sphinx - Queen of the Nile
Iteru: Districts and wonders are built +15% faster if placed next to a river. Floodplains do not block placement of districts and wonders.
Mediterranean's Bride: Trade routes to other civilizations provide +4 Gold for Egypt. Other civilizations' trade routes to Egypt provide +2 Food for them and +2 Gold for Egypt.
Queen of the Nile: Likes civilizations with powerful militaries, and dislikes civilizations with weak militaries.
- English - Victoria - British Museum - Pax Britannica - Sea Dog, Redcoat - Royal Navy Dockyard - Sun Never Sets
British Museum: Each Archaeology Museum holds 6 artifacts instead of 3 and can support 2 Archaeologists at once.
Pax Britannica: When you settle on a continent other than your home continent, receive a free melee unit. Gain the Redcoat unique unit with the Military Science technology.
Sun Never Sets: Wants to have a city on every continent and dislikes civilizations not from her own continent. - French - Catherine de Medici - Grand Tour - Catherine's Flying Squadron - Garde Imperiale - Chateau - Black Queen
Grand Tour: +20% Production towards Medieval, Renaissance, and Industrial era wonders. Tourism from wonders of any era is doubled.
Catherine's Flying Squadron: Gain 1 additional level of diplomatic visibility with every civilization you meet. Can recruit an extra spy with the Castles technology.
Black Queen: Seeks to have as many spies and as much diplomatic access as possible. Does not like civilizations who evade these espionage activities.
- German - Frederick Barbarossa - Free Imperial Cities - Holy Roman Emperor - U-Boat - Hansa - Iron Crown
Free Imperial Cities: Each city may build one district more than its current housing limit would normally allow.
Holy Roman Emperor: Gain an extra slot for a Military policy card regardless of government type. Units have extra combat strength versus city-state units.
Iron Crown: Dislikes city state suzerains as well as leaders who have conquered city states.
- Greek - Pericles - Plato's Republic - Surrounded by Glory - Hoplite - Acropolis - Delian League
Plato's Republic: Gain an extra slot for a Wild policy card regardless of government type.
Surrounded by Glory: Gains Culture per turn for every city-state over which he has suzerainty.
Delian League: Likes civilizations that aren't competing for the same city-state allegiance. Dislikes civilizations that are directly competing for city-state allegiance. - Indian - Gandhi - Dharma - Satyagraha - Varu - Stepwell - N/A
Dharma: Cities gain the follower beliefs of all religions practiced within them.
Satyagraha: Gains Faith per turn for each civilization he has met which has founded a religion and is not at war. Civilizations at war with Gandhi suffer an additional happiness penalty. - Japanese - Hojo Tokimune - Meiji Restoration - Divine Wind - Samurai - Electronics Factory - Bushido
Meiji Restoration: All districts receive an additional standard adjacency bonus when placed next to another district.
Divine Wind: Land units receive +5 combat strength in land tiles adjacent to Coast; naval units receive +5 combat strength in shallow water tiles. Build Encampment, Holy Site and Theater Square districts in half the time.
Bushido: Likes civilizations with strong militaries and high Faith and Culture outputs. Dislikes civilizations that are strong in military but weak in Faith and Culture. - Kongolese - Mvemba a Nzinga - Nkisi - Religious Convert - Ngao Mbeba - M'banza - ?
Nkisi: Relics, artifacts and great works of sculpture provide Food, Gold and Production. Gain additional Great Artist and Great Merchant points each turn.
Religious Convert: Cannot build Holy Site districts, but receives the founder belief of his empire's majority religion. Whenever he completes an Mbanza or Theatre district, he receives an Apostle of the constructing city's religion.
?: Likes leaders whose religions have spread to his cities. Dislikes leaders who have founded a religion and not spread it to a Kongo city. - Norwegian - Harald Hardrada - Knarr - Thunderbolt of the North - Berserker, Viking Longship, Stave Church, Last Viking King
Knarr: No movement cost to embark or disembark. Naval and embarked units may enter ocean tiles upon researching Shipbuilding.
Thunderbolt of the North: Melee ships may perform coastal raids to pillage improvements and districts on adjacent land tiles. Gain the Viking Longship unique unit with the Sailing technology.
Last Viking King: Likes leaders with strong navies. Dislikes leaders who neglect their navies. - Roman
- Russian
- Scythian
- Spanish
- Sumerian
GamerZakh on YouTube summarizes the changes well in this video below.
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